Cape Arago State Park in Oregon | OK Which Way


Cape Arago State Park in Oregon


Cape Arago State Park is located at the end and turn around point of the Cape Arago Highway. The dead end highway has some spectacular views of the Oregon coast that include Sunset Bay, Cape Arago Lighthouse, and Shore Acres.


This headland is the perfect place to enjoy a short hike and marvel at the rugged beauty that is Oregon’s coastline.



Know Before You Go

Parking: parking throughout the turn around loop
Day Use Fees: none
Overnight Options: Camping nearby at Sunset Bay State Park



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Cape Arago Trails

The trails near the parking spots at Cape Arago are short and offer amazing views of the rugged coastline.


North Cove Trail at Cape Arago State Park in Oregon | OK Which Way


Hike at Cape Arago State Park in Oregon | OK Which Way


Waterfall at Cape Arago State Park in Oregon | OK Which Way


The North Cove Trail provides a look towards the seals and sea lions at Simpson Reef.

Simpson Reef at Cape Arago State Park in Oregon | OK Which Way


This photo just doesn’t quite show the intensity the waves were coming in. It was mesmerizing.

Pounding waves at Cape Arago State Park in Oregon | OK Which Way



Fun Facts:
• We saw this critter near the parking lot at Cape Arago State Park
• Porcupines are found on every continent, except Antarctica
• This rodent can have 30,000 quills


Cape Arago State Park porcupine | OK Which Way




Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge

Established in 1935, the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge has protected all offshore rocks to provide undisturbed breeding and resting areas for seabirds and marine mammals.


Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge at Cape Arago State Park | OK Which Way



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