Manhattan Beach State Recreation Site in Oregon | OK Which Way


Manhattan Beach State Recreation Site in Oregon

Located just two miles north of Rockaway is Manhattan Beach State Recreation Site. It’s not fancy. There’s no fluff. It’s simply a wide open beach along the mesmerizing Pacific Ocean.


Manhattan Beach State Recreation Site sign | OK Which Way

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Park Info

Location: About 2 hours from Portland
Amenities: Restrooms, picnic tables, beach access
Lodging/Camping: None
Food: None
Fees: None

Manhattan Beach State Recreation Site in Oregon | OK Which Way
Picnic table near the parking lot at Manhattan Beach State Recreation Site


Oregon Coast Trail at Manhattan Beach | OK Which Way
Trail from the parking lot leads to the beach, which is part of the Oregon Coast Trail


Manhattan Beach State Recreation Site near Rockaway | OK Which Way
Looking south towards Rockaway from Manhattan Beach



Manhattan Beach near Neahkahnie Mountain | OK Which Way
Looking north towards Neahkahnie Mountain from Manhattan Beach State Recreation Site in Oregon

Oregon Coast Trail

The Oregon Coast Trail runs the length of the state of Oregon following the Pacific coast. Beginning at the Columbia River, the trail is made up of ten segments, and ends at the California border.

Places to Visit Near Manhattan Beach State Recreation Site


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