Hoyt Arboretum in Portland | OK Which Way


Hoyt Arboretum in Portland

Hoyt Arboretum is a living museum of trees and shrubs within Portland’s Washington Park. There are many miles of trails to explore and greenery to please the eye.


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Trails to Hike

There are 12 miles of hiking trails that loop and wander through Hoyt Arboretum allowing you to gaze at the 2,000+ species of plants. The trails are marked fairly well. Most are easy hikes, but the trails can get muddy during the rainy season.


The Plant Collection

The trees and shrubs are mostly arranged by scientific classification. Conifers, such as the redwoods, are located to the west of Fairview Boulevard and deciduous trees, such as magnolias, are to the east.


I absolutely love this huge, weeping tree. It’s deciduous and not far from the Visitor Center.


Madrone on the left, Grecian Fir on the right.


In the spring many shrubs are in bloom.


Evergreen shrub, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus, aka Blue Blossom

Hoyt Arboretum in Portland Oregon | Blue Blossom | OK Which Way


In the fall there are many interesting seeds and berries.


European Beech and Big Leaf Maple


On the left is Wollemi Pine, an endangered conifer. There are 67 species listed as rare or endangered within Hoyt Arboretum. On the right is Sword Fern, which is native to North America.


Redwood Observation Deck

The Redwood Deck overlooks Johnson Creek and can be rented for events and weddings.

On the left is a shot standing on the Redwood Deck looking out, the right is looking up.


Visitor Center

There is a small Visitor Center that is open daily with hiking information and items to purchase. I bought the Wildwood trilogy, which is set in Portland’s urban forest and even features Pittock Mansion.

Hoyt Arboretum in Portland Oregon | Wildwood book trilogy | OK Which Way



This was just a smidgen of what you can see at Hoyt Arboretum. Each season brings its own unique view.


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