Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon

The small town of St. Helens is about a 40 minute drive from downtown Portland, along Highway 30, and was used in the filming of the first Twilight movie.

I’m not a Twilight uber fan. I couldn’t tell you every movie detail. However, the book series intrigued me and it’s fun to have a little bit of Hollywood in Oregon.


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Charlie & Bella Swan’s House

The house is located near the top of this hill. I parked in a parking lot at the bottom of the hill, then walked to the house.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon | OK Which Way


184 S 6th Street in St. Helens
This is it. Bella’s house. The movie has scenes filmed both inside & outside of the house.
It is such a cute house. Very homey feeling.

The home is currently listed on Airbnb and available to stay in over night.

Swan House in St. Helens, Oregon | OK Which Way



Historic Downtown St. Helens

This little part of town is quite charming. The shops are cute and the people are friendly. In 1984 it was added to the National Register of Historic Places. A couple decades later it was used for filming many scenes in Twilight.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon Historic District | OK Which Way


The historic district sits along the Columbia River.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon Columbia River | OK Which Way


Columbia Theatre
If you watch the street scene closely you can see The Columbia Theatre in the background after Bella and Edward tell each other to put on their seat belts.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon Columbia Theatre | OK Which Way


Cuts+ at 251 S 1st Street
This hair salon was used to film the scene where Jessica, Angela, and Bella looked at prom dresses. Bella soon leaves to go to the bookstore.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon Cuts+ prom | OK Which Way


Lawyer’s office at 260 S 2nd St.
This building on 2nd street was used as the Thunderbird & Whale bookstore where Bella bought a book about Quileute legends.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon Thunderbird and Whale Bookstore | OK Which Way


Columbia County Courthouse
built in 1906
I’m guessing the director chose the location at Cuts+ for prom dress shopping due to the view out the shop window: a small park & fabulous city building (minus the bats, ghosts & Halloween wreaths, of course.)

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon Columbia County Courthouse | OK Which Way


330 S 1st St
This building was used as the Bloated Toad Restaurant, where Bella ate dinner with Edward.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon Bloated Toad | OK Which Way



Alley between 1st St. & the parking lot on 2nd St.
The alley where Bella starts walking back towards her friends when a group of guys confront her.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon alley | OK Which Way


Parking lot at 260 S 2nd St
Edward saves the day against the bad guys in this parking lot.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon parking lot | OK Which Way


Jilly’s at 299 S 1st Street
This shop is not in the movie, but the wardrobe team purchased prom dresses & accessories here.

Twilight Film Locations in St. Helens, Oregon jilly's | OK Which Way




More Than Twilight

Even if you’re not a Twilight fan, this area of St. Helens is worth a visit.


Down the Trodden Path
For those of us interested in Lewis & Clark there is a neat path dedicated to their journey along the Columbia River. It is located in the plaza in front of the Courthouse. The black granite tiles are journal entries & snippets of information about the Corp of Discovery on their way towards the ocean in 1805. They returned east in 1806 after overwintering at Fort Clatsop. The return information is on the green tiles.



Disney’s Halloweentown was also filmed here and in October the city celebrates with decor, activities, and special guests.


There are a few geocaches hidden around the historic district.


Christmas Ships
In December, Christmas Ships float down the Columbia River. Find a place on shore and enjoy them going by. Bring a blanket – it’s probably going to be cold.


Director’s Notebook

To read more about the making of Twilight check out the Director’s Notebook.


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