The Cullen House in Portland | OK Which Way


The Cullen House in Portland

Years after reading the Twilight saga, it’s still the only vampire or werewolf books I’ve read. I admit, I like to read popular series in part just to see for myself what all the hype is about.

I loved the Twilight books. They were definitely books I had a hard time putting down. The movies, as often happens, were not quite as good as the books. But, I did enjoy them.

It doesn’t seem to be widely known information in my community, but the house that was used as the Cullen residence in the first movie is right here in Portland.

So, I went to see it for myself.

The house the Cullen’s resided in is located in an older, yet hip, part of NW Portland. It’s a very charming area with many old houses, streets that are too narrow for my comfort level, and within walking distance to the popular Pearl District.

The Cullen House in Portland Pearl District | OK Which Way


Yet, it’s also located in the West Hills, not far from Pittock Mansion. The house is surrounded by a beautiful woodland area with trees including Douglas Fir, and my favorite, the Western Red Cedar. Seems fitting for a vampire family.

Cullen House in Portland | OK Which Way


The house sits at 3333 NW Quimby, Portland, OR. I drove right to it using Google maps. I parked at the bottom of the driveway & walked up. It was a weird feeling walking up to someone’s house I don’t know with a camera in hand. I took a few quick pics and moved on. I would have liked to ooh & aah a bit more at the striking house, but refrained.

Cullen House in Portland | OK Which Way


Walking up the driveway, this was my first glimpse of the house.

Cullen House in Portland | Hoke House | OK Which Way


So modern with all those straight lines.

Cullen House in Portland | Hoke House | OK Which Way


The house was completed in 2007 and is known as the Hoke house.

Cullen House in Portland | OK Which Way


This is as far up the driveway as I dared to go. But, I did get a good look at the majority of the house. It’s quite amazing. Definitely not a typical house.

Cullen House in Portland | Hoke House | OK Which Way

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