Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | OK Which Way


Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park


Because I will be running my first marathon in October and need to get in many long training runs, I signed up for a virtual run to keep things interesting. I found the perfect one – celebrating the 100th birthday of our National Park Service. I love our National Parks and am so thankful every time I get to visit one. We do live in a beautiful country.

It wasn’t mandatory, but I really wanted to run this half marathon actually in a national park.

I chose the Hoh Rain Forest in Olympic National Park. It was a place I had been wanting to visit and this was a good excuse to do so.


Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | Hoh Rainforest | OK Which Way

My Route




The Trails

The Hoh is a temperate rain forest and rarely gets above 70° weather. However, on the day I was set to run it was supposed to be pushing a 100°. So, I started the run early. Not quite as early as I planned, but I was on the trail by 7:30. It was beautiful as the sun was coming up through the trees.


Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | OK Which Way


My 13.1 miles consisted of 3 different trails, looping back occasionally to the parking lot to say hi to the hubby and kids.


Hall of Mosses

The first trail was the Hall of Mosses. I enjoyed this trail. There were a few obstacles, but was a relatively easy to trail to run on.

Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | Hall of Mosses | OK Which Way


Spruce Nature Trail

This was a nice trail with the highlight being a section opening up to the river. The Pacific NW is beautiful!

Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | Spruce Nature Trail | OK Which Way


Hoh River Trail

This trail goes for quite a ways and I could have done the entire half marathon on this trail. But I wanted to be able to check in with my family, so I opted for multiple shorter loops.

This was my least favorite trail of the three I ran. It had many more obstacles in the trail than the other two. I ended up walking more than I would have liked.

Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | Hoh River Trail | OK Which Way



More Views Along the Trail

Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | OK Which Way


Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | OK Which Way


Of course, I would spot a slug on a Pacific NW trail. I also saw a number of birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and deer.

Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | OK Which Way




It was beginning to get warm. I enjoyed this trail run, but I was glad to be done before the real heat came.

Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | OK Which Way



About a month later I received my medal and shirt.

Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | OK Which Way



Visiting Towns nearby

This trip was a two-fer. One trip. Two places I’d been wanting to visit.

I am a fan of the Twilight books. And, wouldn’t ya know it, the setting for the books is the closest town to The Hoh. The trilogy of books takes place in the rainy city of Forks, Washington.

Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | OK Which Way



UNESCO World Heritage Site

A World Heritage Site is a designated area with “outstanding universal value” administered by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The goal is to preserve and protect these cultural, historical, or natural areas throughout the world. Olympic National Park is under this protection.



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Running a half marathon at Olympic National Park | Hoh Rain Forest | OK Which Way

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