Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove | OK Which Way


Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove

Like many young girls, I fell in love with the Ingalls family. I don’t remember how old I was when I first started watching Little House on the Prairie, but I was young. I’m well aware now that the TV show was based on real people but many of the stories were fictitious. That was my first introduction to Laura Ingalls Wilder and the pioneer spirit, which is still one of my favorite times in our history. I was probably in my tween years when my mom gave me the Little House boxed set written by LIW. I’ve read those books a number of times throughout the years and am so excited that my kids are getting old enough to enjoy them now, too.


Back in 2006, the hubby & I talked about going on a road trip that summer. We were driving from Oregon to Minnesota & back. We were going to visit all the “normal” places – Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, etc. I saved a brochure from the last time we went to Minnesota about visiting Walnut Grove. I looked into it and found a number of LIW sites. There was no doubt about it, we had to visit them on our trip. And we did. And I loved, loved, loved those parts of our trip. I actually loved most of our trip. We visited some fabulous parts of our beautiful country. The only thing I can really complain about was our 9 month old son who didn’t want to sleep at night – which got old by day 3 of our 21 days on the road.

I was absolutely giddy when we drove passed this sign.

Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove | OK Which Way


Laura Ingalls Wilder Monument

LIW’s On the Banks of Plum Creek monument along the side of the road. I’m not sure why the monument had to made to look like a headstone, but I was happy to see it.

The monument says: “A dugout along Plum Creek SE of this point was the childhood home of LIW, who wrote On the Banks of Plum Creek widely known as a children’s story. The book tells actual incidents of pioneer life here and in Walnut Grove, including blizzards and a grasshopper plague in the 1870’s. Laura’s parents were among the early settlers of North Hero Township.”

Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove | OK Which Way


Ingalls Homestead

Not too far from the monument is this sign that states this was the location of the Ingalls Homestead in 1874. The land is privately owned, but the owners are kind enough to let Laura fans visit this home of hers. I am very thankful for good people like them and hopefully all visitors are respectful so fans can continue to visit.

Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove | OK Which Way


Plum Creek

Plum Creek! Can you believe it?! The Plum Creek. It was wonderfully shady & cool on the warm day. I see why Laura liked it here.

Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove | OK Which Way


Big Rock

I am standing on what experts believe is the rock Laura refers to as Big Rock. It was so special, I can’t even explain it. Laura’s spirit sunk into my heart even deeper on that warm July day.

Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove | OK Which Way



Suspended over Plum Creek is a bridge. The bridge leads you to the site of  Laura’s dugout home on the banks of Plum Creek.

The sign says: “The Charles Ingalls family’s dugout home was located here in the 1870’s. This depression is all that remains since the roof caved in years ago. The prairie grasses and flowers here grow much as they did in Laura’s time, and the spring still flows nearby.”

Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove | OK Which Way


Wildflowers in a field Laura probably ran in. This was across Plum Creek from their dugout.

Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove | OK Which Way



Final Thoughts

We didn’t stay here long, but it was probably my favorite LIW place we visited. It was quiet, virtually undisturbed, and just felt like Laura to me.




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Laura Ingalls Wilder on Plum Creek in Walnut Grove | OK Which Way


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