Fort Canby at Cape Disappointment | OK Which Way


Fort Canby at Cape Disappointment


Fort Canby is located within Cape Disappointment State Park, sitting at the mouth of the Columbia River. It is also part of the Lewis and Clark National Historical Park.

Three forts were built to defend the mouth of the Columbia River from enemy warships – Fort Canby and Fort Columbia in Washington, and Fort Stevens on the Oregon side of the river. The forts were manned from the mid-19th century until the end of WWII.

After being decommissioned, the forts were turned into State Parks.


Fort Canby sign at Cape Disappointment | OK Which Way

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Visiting the Fort


It is a short uphill hike to the fort. The old military buildings from WWII are still standing and are open to the public.

Battery Harvey Allen at Cape Disappointment | OK Which Way
Battery Harvey Allen


Fort Canby at Cape Disappointment State Park | OK Which Way


Fort Canby at Cape Disappointment in Washington | OK Which Way


Fort Canby at Cape Disappointment | OK Which Way


Fort Canby at Cape Disappointment | OK Which Way


Fort Canby at Cape Disappointment | OK Which Way


Fort Canby is located right where the Columbia River reaches the Pacific Ocean. There are a number of hikes with great views at Cape Disappointment.

Cape Disappointment at the mouth of the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean | OK Which Way



Chinook Tribe

Cape Disappointment and Fort Canby sit within the traditional territory of the Chinook tribe.



Forts in Washington & Oregon


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