Coquille River Lighthouse in Oregon | OK Which Way


Coquille River Lighthouse

As commercial shipments became popular in the 1880’s a jetty was built to deepen the mouth of the Coquille River. The next step was building the Coquille River Lighthouse. The lighthouse was first lit in February of 1896.


Coquille River Lighthouse at Bullards Beach State Park | OK Which Way

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Know Before You Go

Location: 2 miles north of Bandon, Oregon
Parking area nearby
Fees: None
Hours: Day use, year round
Lighthouse Tours: 11AM – 5PM Thursday-Monday, mid-May – September



In 1939, the US Coast Guard took over, deemed the lighthouse unnecessary, and instead placed an automated beacon on the south jetty to aid in navigation. The lighthouse was abandoned until Bullards Beach State Park acquired it. It was restored and opened to the public in 1979.


Coquille River Lighthouse near Bandon Oregon | OK Which Way

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Coquille River Lighthouse near Bandon Oregon | OK Which Way


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